Wednesday 27 February 2008

Entry 3

On Friday (22nd) Me, Greg, Chris, James And Ryan were -present for the recording of some sound effects. We purchased bamboo rods, celery sticks and carrots in an attempt to create authentic sound of wood snapping, as well as debris falling. For this session we were in studio 4, we hired out two Rode NT2A condenser microphones and positioned them, initially, approximately two feet apart facing each other, very close to the ground. We dropped the bamboo very carefully in between the microphones (onto coats to not damage the floor) to capture the sound of falling wood/debris. We then raised the microphones and attached pop shields, keeping them at the same distance apart to snap the bamboo, which made a good wood breaking sound. finally for this sessions recording we brought the microphones in closer to snap carrots and celery, which was a great success as it sounded a lot like wood snapping and splintering on playback.

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